

“Thank you so very much for all of your efforts to make last night’s event/screening of Tested a success. The film was amazing—the teacher at the Bridgeport Public Schools said it all—that it moved her and that it should be required viewing for all educators. I agree. This film would make an excellent professional development tool in school districts. It would also make a great addition to any course that prepares educators such as Education in the United States, Sociology of American Education, or Multicultural Education.” – Dean Jim Carl, Isabelle Farrington College of Education, Sacred Heart University

“What a gift to see a documentary film about education that asks me to think without telling me what to think. I don’t have answers, but I appreciate the invitation to consider what they could be. This film raises compelling questions. Every teacher should view it and grapple with the questions it raises.” – Carla Claycomb, Director for Education Services, Pennsylvania State Education Association

“In a city that prides itself on the diversity of its people, New York City’s specialized public high schools can’t seem to do the same.Tested is an important exploration into the problematic racial and socio-economic inequalities plaguing the entire process of admittance- from SHSAT exam preparation to acceptance rates.Tested is must-see viewing for educators, parents and caregivers, and city taxpayers alike.” – Dana Sagona, New York Public Library

“I wanted to take this opportunity to thank you for the presentation of your film, Tested, here at San Diego Mesa College last evening. The film was wonderful in many respects. It addressed the complicated process of academic preparation and competition for some of the most competitive schools in New York, and also showed the interplay of student, family, community, culture and resources in this process. Like someone in the audience said yesterday during your Q & A, it was a very “balanced” film.  Thank you for your objectivity in making the film and for taking the time to screen it at schools, colleges and organizations around the globe.”  – Judy Sundayo, Counseling Department, San Diego Mesa College

To contact the filmmakers, please email Curtis